annual GOLF MARATHON fundraiser

JUNE 6, 2025
Hawk Hollow Championship Golf Course
Bath, Michigan

Chosen Vision’s mission is to empower developmentally disabled adults to live life as it should be. YOU can help make this possible. Sign up for our golf marathon, collect donations and pledges for our cause, and then see how many holes you can play on June 6, 2025, for our annual event at Hawk Hollow Golf Course. Hawk Hollow Golf Course offers twenty-seven holes of Championship Golf on a beautiful 500-acre track. It’s the perfect location to attempt our 100-hole challenge! For those who aren’t up for 100 holes in a day, play as many as you would like.  Team up with some friends and support Chosen Vision.

Not a golfer? No problem, Hawk Hollow features a Little Hawk Grass Putting Course. You can choose to putt for the cause. This should allow for a more leisurely day of fun.

P.O. BOX 281, DEWITT, MI 48820  |  (517) 410-6541