Board Members
Kalmin (Kal) Smith (Chairman) has had a long and distinguished career with the State of Michigan and is now retired. For many years, he was a Legislative Analyst for the Michigan House of Representatives. He later became the acting Director of the Michigan Department of Labor and then Senior Deputy Director of the Department of Consumer and Industry Services (which included the former Departments of Labor and Licensing & Regulation). Kal is a graduate of Albion College, earned a Master’s Degree from Western Michigan University and a doctorate in Political Philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Smith currently serves as the mayor of Grand Ledge. He has been a member of the board since 2004 and is the current chairperson. As an active leader in the Grand Ledge community, Dr. Smith has seen how Chosen Vision gives its girls the opportunity to be active members in their communities and hopes to further this care with the new Chosen Vision - Dewitt home.
Sandy Tallian (Secretary) has been a board member since 2002 and is presently the board secretary. Sandy was employed with the Ford Motor Company, primarily in the treasury department, for 30 years and retired in 2007. She is married to Robert (who is also a board member) and is step-mom to Holly, a resident of Chosen Vision’s Grand Ledge home. Through her personal relationship with Holly, Sandy has gained considerable experience and knowledge about the special needs of developmentally disabled individuals. She has also completed several workshops and training sessions in the area of alternative living, guardianship, and financial planning for the disabled. Sandy is highly dedicated to Chosen Vision’s outreach initiatives and hopes to further this mission through the addition of Chosen Vision - Dewitt.
Lynne MacDowell (Treasurer) retired from the Michigan Department of Public Health in 2002 after 32 years of service. She was a financial analyst for the Department, where she developed budgets, provided oversight on federal grants, provided financial direction to various bureaus within the Department for which she had responsibility, prepared budget reports for presentation at Legislative hearings, and worked with local county health departments in developing grant proposals. Lynne is married to Bruce and own MacDowell’s Fireplace and MacDowell’s Flower Shop in Grand Ledge. Lynne is a stepmom to Hugh who is a sophomore at MSU in Chemical Engineering
Melanie Dart is a graduate of Michigan State University where she received a liberal arts education. Her work experience has centered primarily in personnel, public relations, and banking. Melanie is currently Vice Chair and Secretary to the Board of Directors at Dart Bank in the Business Development department. She has been a member of Trinity Church for about 20 years and is also Secretary to the Grand Ledge Kiwanis Club and an Ambassador to the Grand Ledge Area Chamber of Commerce. Melanie is married with a grown son, daughter, and brand new daughter in law! She has served on the Chosen Vision Board for nearly 4 years and looks forward to broadening the outreach of the homes through Chosen Vision - Dewitt.
Jim Russell earned a degree in Business Administration from Hope College in 1983. He is a successful entrepreneur who has built and sold a number of businesses. Jim is a dedicated family man who is active with his wife and sons in their Church as well as several community organizations. Jim also serves on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Printing Industries of Michigan, The Amy Foundation, and is the Board Chair of Covenant Community Care, a faith based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing primary health care to the uninsured and underinsured of Southwest Detroit. As a father of a Chosen Vision resident (Amy), Jim sees firsthand how the personalized care at Chosen Vision creates a personalized environment that reaches beyond individual freedom and benefits the entire family.
Robert Tallian earned his degree in Industrial Education from Ferris State University and is a veteran of the Vietnam War where he served in the US Air Force from 1970 to 1974. He was employed at Ford Motor Credit in various management positions for 32 years and retired in 2007. Robert is a devoted father to Holly, who was born with Cerebral Palsy in 1976. As a result, Robert is acutely aware and sensitive to the special needs of developmentally disabled children and adults. More than just a father and board member, Robert has assumed the responsibilities of the Chosen Vision maintenance person and parent/guardian representative and makes a three hour trip to Chosen Vision Grand Ledge every two weeks to volunteer his time. Through the care of his own daughter, Robert is amazed by the unrivaled independence Chosen Vision provides the girls and hopes to expand this mission through the construction of a new home in the near future.
Jennifer Wieland, native of Peoria Illinois, moved to Michigan in 1981 to get married and start a family. This journey has led her to, among many other things, raise her daughters and help her husband build his business. Her expertise ranges from working full time as a mother of five, to volunteering in the children’s ministry at South Church in Lansing. Among her life experiences are helping to start and run a restaurant, taking college classes in psychology, running marathons in Chicago, Detroit, and Quebec City, and traveling to Europe and Mexico to assist in the marketing of her husband's business. Because Jennifer has raised five daughters of her own, she has a passion for seeing young women live independently. After being on the board for three years, Jennifer is excited about the opportunities that the new Dewitt home will provide. Even though it pushes her to the edge of her comfort zone, she calls on businesses, family and friends to support this great mission.
Linda Zylstra is a graduate of Calvin College and received her bachelor's degree in Business and Psychology. Her husband, Joel, works for Granger Energy and together they have three children; two at Calvin College and one at Lansing Christian School. Linda has spent the last 15 years raising money for various non-profit organizations through fundraising events (golf outings, auctions and dinners). She has also participated in many capital campaigns, strategic planning and development endeavors. She has served on Chosen Vision's board since 2008 and is excited to offer our community a permanent solution for six more families through the building of Chosen Vision - DeWitt.
Tom Motz is a lifelong resident of Clinton County, having lived in Dewitt for the past 30 years. He is president of Motz Homes, a residential building and development company, founded in 1985. Tom and his wife of 36 years, Melinda, are proud parents of Andy, 32, who resides in Brooklyn, N.Y., and Adrienne, 26, who currently lives at home, and who will be among the first residents of Chosen Vision, Dewitt, upon its completion. Tom has served on the boards of directors of First Bank-St. Johns, as well as The Greater Lansing Home Builders and Remodelers Association, currently serving as its president. Tom is excited to be working with Chosen Vision, and to see his dream of providing Adrienne with a loving and nurturing home become a reality.
Eleanor Toby (Founder/Board Member Emeriti) brought together a group of interested persons in 1991 and formed Chosen Vision, Inc. with the purpose of developing small group homes for developmentally disabled adults. For ten years, she served as the chairperson of the organization and helped create the foundation of what exists today. In addition to being the mother of three children, she was a physical therapist for 26 years and provided this service in acute care, home care, and school settings. She later earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Western Michigan University. She has worked as a professional social worker, supervisor and manager in the fields of mental health and health care for over twelve years. Ellie has been a long time member of Trinity United Methodist Church where she has been a volunteer leader of a special ministry for developmentally disabled adults for 20 years.

Kathy is known as our "Dishwasher Queen!" Kathy is highly
skilled at cross-stitching, sewing, and is always helpful by keeping
our house neat and tidy.